Tough, stylish, secure and weather sealed all round, Sectional garage doors are aguably the outstanding garage door product made today.

Made of four separate interlocking horizontally-hinged panels, manufactured to a high standard in either steel or of timber, the door generally fits to the rear surface of the front brickwork of your garage. Only a small amount of space is required to the sides and top of the garage opening for fitting the side tracks.

Sectional doors in detail

The entire garage door rises upwards in a straight vertical line, each section pivoting backwards when it reaches the top to slide above head height. You don't need any clearance outside the garage for this type of door, nor do you need any door frame, which increases the available width for you to drive through.

We can supply and fit all makes of sectional doors, to suit all budgets. From single-skin for standard doors, all the way up to 45mm thick, on panels anything up to eighteen feet long.
Sectional Doors
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